Bottom and Top of Bookcase


Cutting Mitres to fit around the base of the cabinet
Hamid Makes a fence to attach to the mitre gauge., One side is mitred and then the other of the front rail on the Table saw 

Lemellos are machined into the hardwood and panels to join up.

Some lemellos and glue, to bring the joint together

Tape and Clamps provide a tight joint.

Some Blocks to support the weight of the cabinet

The back brackets are finally added to keep it sturdy and square.

Holes Are piloted for the screws from the top of the base to locate the exact point of the gable

  Then the Bottom is screwed to the case.



The hardwood of the crown was cut on the table saw. Ramy installed feather boards for safety and accuracy  

The Miters are cut to fit around the top panel 



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