Its not Solid Wood - Styles and rails

Rolling contact cement on the B side
The back styles of the bookcase will be 1/2" thick. We saved planing down 4/4 cherrywood by using the offcut of the 4 x 8 sheets we cut the back of the bookcase from.
After applying contact cement to the b side of the 1/4" cherry panels.

Bernie Rips the bonded panels into nominal strips before we edge band them to become the back styles

They are edged and filed
Then they are  sanded by Elyse and Maya

A kerf is machines into the back of the styles to prevent glue squeeze out.

The styles are glued to the sides of the cabinet.....

.....careful not to get glue all over the sanded veneering

Quick-grips and Tape are all it takes to fasten the styles onto the gables.

Because we attached the stiles first, Hamid and Ramy cut each rail to be sure they fit. 
The rails are made of edged 1/4" cherry panels

Hamid is all about Spacers


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