Sliding doors - Bookcase

Elyse and Eva (double E team) align their grooves on the bottom of the cabinet, and the underside of the bottom dadoed shelf. This must be done before assebly of the hardwood rail and assembly of the cabinet.  

The Dimensions are finicky and we must pay special attention to be sure they line up.

Eva uses a set up to trim and cut the track to length on the Table saw

We inserted the track in the groove after the case was assembled.

The top and Bottom glides will ride in the Tracks

Maya and Eva produce a test door to be sure the dimensions work with the hardware to slide gracefully. :)
The doors are cut out of the veneered panels on the panel saw
Then the Cherry edge banding is applied

Yay Sanding !!!!

Maya Labels the bottom of the doors in sequence to respect the veneering pattern

Maya Marks where to bore the holes

Eva arrives just in time for the hammering 

Inset handles 


Installing the doors.


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